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contoh kalimat beer bottle

"beer bottle" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The daughter that you threw beer bottles at.
    Anak perempuan yang kau lempari botol bir.
  • One beer bottle is not gonna make any difference.
    Satu botol bir takkan membuat perbedaan.
  • Then, when you're a grown up...it's the beer bottle.
    Kemudian, ketika Anda seorang dewasa... itu botol bir.
  • What's so great about shooting one or two beer bottles?
    Selama sebulan dan kau tertarik membunuh sebuah botol.
  • She broke your TV with a beer bottle?
    dia memecahkan TV-mu dengan botol bir?
  • They shoved a beer bottle into his rare.
    Mereka memasukan botol bir kedalam mulutnya.
  • Well-well, whiz in one of the empty beer bottles in the back.
    Buang dalam botol bir kosong di belakang.
  • Well, I think I've rounded up the last of the beer bottles.
    Kurasa aku sudah mengumpulkan botol bir terakhir.
  • Of beer bottles, dishes in the sink
    Botol bir , piring di wastafel.
  • Smashes a beer bottle over my head.
    Memecahkan botol bir di kepalaku.
  • Use that to open beer bottles?
    Digunakan untuk membuka botol beer?
  • A couple beer bottles, whiskey bottle.
    sepasang botol bir, botol wiski.
  • I mean... This guy here broke a beer bottle over a bartender's head.
    Maksudku...orang yang ini memecahkan sebotol bir ke kepalanya bartender.
  • We found the door open, blood and beer bottle on the floor.
    Kami menemukan pintunya terbuka, darah dan botol bir di lantai.
  • Storm won the match after hitting Rhino with a beer bottle.
    Ferdi menang berhasil menghancurkan lawannya satu persatu dengan pecahan botol bir.
  • I broke a beer bottle.
    Aku memecahkan botol bir.
  • Pictures of lunch tote bag and beer bottle holder
    Gambar tas makan siang dan botol bir
  • Paillette zipper neoprene beer bottle holder Contact Now
    Gingham Neoprene Beer Bottle Holder Fashion Hubungi sekarang
  • Promotional gifts neoprene beer bottle holder sleeves Contact Now
    Promosi Neoprene Beer Cooler Wholesale Hubungi sekarang
  • Insertion, Amateur, Beer, Bottle, German, German Mature, Mature
    pemasukan, Amatir, Bir, Botol, Jerman, Jerman Dewasa, dewasa
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